Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Friday Five

As what might be a staple around here, here is the Friday Five.....late. What can I say, I was born 2 weeks late and haven't caught up since.

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor? December 27, 2005. I went in to be treated for a cough and ended up being treated for possible asthma and for high blood pressure. I go back for a full physical on Tuesday, Jan. 24th.

2. ...went to the dentist? Umm.....

3. ...filled your gas tank? Well the last time I personally filled the gas tank of one of our vehicles was sometime, November 2001. I don't drive so the gas filling falls on the shoulders of the Hunk.

4. enough sleep? Sleep...what is this word you speak??

5. ...backed up your computer? Sadly....not soon enough. My computer died a few months ago and I lost EVERYTHING on it. I'm still realizing the devastation this holds when I remember something new everyday that I don't have anymore and won't ever get back like the pictures I took with the Wee One as a newborn and the pictures my mother took with him when he was only a few weeks old.

This week's Friday Five has been brought to you by the letters Q and T and the number 7.