Wednesday, April 20, 2005

New couch is here!

Our new couch is here!! Isn't it wonderful? It's so comfy. Well the only thing I don't like about it is that it is low back and there is no place to rest your head unless you slouch really far. Our old one was high back but I'm so happy to have this new one. I don't care about the low back! It is so comfy! And look how well it matches my carpet.

I could tell the Hunk was excited because I woke up this morning to a clean living room. He also steam cleaned the carpet today! He didn't want our new baby going on a dirty floor I guess. LOL.

We got our new couch!!! Isn't it booooteful?
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Here is the bed inside our new couch. I can't wait to test it out but it will be a few days before I can go to the store to pick out some queen size sheets.
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

In other news, my doctor felt it was too soon to remove the staples so I go back Monday the 25th. Ugh! I think I'm having an allergic reaction to the metal. I'm hypoallergenic and I would think they would use the right kind of metal but I don't know. We'll see. I got another prescription for pain medicine. It's so painful sometimes. I will be so glad when I can feel myself again!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Staples out...

I said I would be back when I felt better. I lied. I'm back and I don't feel better. I'm in so much pain. I don't think anything is infected but everything sure as hell is irritated. I was told to take off the bandage on Saturday. I think that was a big mistake. Not because of healing but just because everything moved around less, was more protected and more padded.

I get my staples out today and I am hoping and praying and crossing everything I have that I can cross that the staples being out will take the pain away. I'm always in pain. I can't walk without pain. My pain meds take my pain level down to a 6 on a pain scale of 1 to 10. That's the best Vicoden is doing. Vicoden, you failed me. Failed me bad. You used to be so good to me. Those days are over aren't they? What did I do to cause this rift in our relationship? It used to be so good. I'd hurt and you'd soothe me, make me sleepy and take me off to la la land. Now I am your bitch and you nor anything else will never take the pain that I'm feeling. Oh Vicoden.... Vicoden, Vicoden, Vicoden. You are no longer the happy pill I used to know and love.

My mom and dad are in California. It is their first time to my Grandparents house since my Grandma died. I only have talked to my mom for a moment but I didn't get any details on how she is doing. I hope she is ok.

A few new purchases recently. I have a new keyboard because my old one was also a bitch to me. It would take 10k keystrokes to get 1 s or 1 d. Not to mention the backspace failed me as well. It just gave up on me. We all know that I desperately need my backspace. One day I will make an entry for you entirely not using the backspace key. You shall see how lucky you are that I do. So I love my Logitech MX 3100 something or other. I'd get the link for you but I'm too lazy. It also comes with a rechargeable mouse. Yay. No more batteries cutting out on me mid-task leaving me with a mouse that doesn't work and a panick of not even knowing if I have batteries in the house to replace them with. This mouse loves me. This mouse is polite. This mouse has little lights that tell me how charged it is. See how nice this mouse is? It also lets me know when it is done charging. Come home to mama little mouse.

Our second purchase was by far much bigger. We bought our very first couch! It's a sleeper sofa and normally those are so expensive but this was fairly priced and in a good mocha color to disguise dirt. It's comfy and soft and textured. It is being delivered on Wednesday. Yay! For those of you who don't know, the Hunk and I have loathed the couch we now have since the day we got it. However, it was free and beggars can't be chosers. We are no longer beggers. Ohhh no. We're spenders so we can be chosers. I haven't actually seen it yet, but the Hunk has and he is happy with it and he is far more picky than I am about these things. I'm picky about color and cuteness and he's picky about comfort and functionality. I trust him since I got the color I wanted. I know he held up his end of the deal.

The couch we are getting is called El Dorado. How approriate that that is the name of the favorite movie of the boys right now (Road to El Dorado) and the link (because I'm not too lazy to get this one) is here.

Ok, I'm hurting. I'm going to lay down and hurt some more. I'll be at the doc's by 3:30 p.m. today so keep your fingers crossed she doesn't tell me that something went horribly wrong and that I have to do this again or something. Yeah. That would suck.

Friday, April 15, 2005

I'm home...

I'm home from surgery now. I stayed over night. It was horrendous, horrible, painful, and ugly. I have staples. I will never trust a doctor that says I can go home in one day from a surgery again. Ugh.

Took forever to get me a room. I'm on pain meds, they aren't helping though. Even the good happy stuff like Vicoden. I'm not going to stay long. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm home and at least better than I was yesterday.

Ya'll. I was wishing... wishing that I was in labor with the Wee One again. It was that bad.

Be back when I feel better.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Hope Jennah doesn't mind, but I thought I'd pop over and ask everyone who reads to send positive quick recovery thoughts for Jennah, she went in for her hernia surgery today.

Thinking of you hon! *hugs* Heal quickly and take it easy as much as possible!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Surgery Tomorrow

Can you say scared? I can. J-e-n-n-a-h. I guess my last surgery didn't freak me out because it was more of an emergency thing and I had also been doped up on Morphine for 24 hours before it took place so I was feeling no anxiety there! (Btw, Morphine for that long with no food and coming off of it is horrendous and crappy)

I go in at 7:00 a.m. and I'm not allowed to have anything after midnight. Not even ice or gum. Gah! I just know that I'm going to get thirsty and hungry something aweful around midnight or after. Doesn't matter that for the past week or so I've been sleeping right through midnight. Yeah, I'm actually becoming a normal person! I've been sleeping 6-8 hours a night from around 9:00 until anytime after 4:00 a.m. roughly. Sometimes 3:00 and sometimes 6:30 a.m. At any rate. I'm sleeping.

So, where was I? Oh yes. I go in at 7:00 a.m. and my surgery is at 9:00. My SIL is going to take the Wee One tonight and keep him until Saturday sometime. The Hunk will be home with me on Friday. He has to go to work after he drops me off at home after the surgery. Yeah, I know it sucks but he tried to get the time off. I don't fault him at all. At least he can go in late if need be. He'll be working until at least midnight though. I'll have the Kidlet with me and although he still needs supervision, he's a little more self-reliant than the baby of course. My friend is also going to be bringing dinner and dessert so I don't have to worry that my family will starve. Me for that matter too!

So there are a few things that I forgot to update in The Wee People blog. Wee One is walking. He's been walking since his first step on March 12th. He doesn't walk very far without holding on to something but he doesn't have the fear of leaving a table or a leg behind to walk toward something else. Also, yesterday the Kidlet got a nasty cut on his ear. Pretty much nearly sliced down into the cartiledge. He was doing stuff I've told him 1000x not to, and jumping off the couch. I didn't see him and he lost his footing when he landed and hit a speaker/subwoofer that is very heavy. It looks horrid. I have pics but I don't want to gross you out. Why did I take pics you ask? Well because my friend's dad is a paramedic and he looked at the pics to tell me if I needed to go to the ER for stitches. I have several from every angle. Heh. No need to rush off to the hospital though. Just kept an eye on him, watched for signs of a concushion ect. He's fine.

Well I need to finish cleaning my house because I don't want a dirty house to come home to. I also don't want my friend to see a dirty house when she brings dinner over. Wish me luck yall. I'll update as soon as I can.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Scheduled Surgery

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm scheduled for a hernia repair on April 14th at 9 a.m. I'm sorry to leave you guys hanging there but I had originally had it scheduled for the day after tomorrow but due to what is going on with the Hunk at work, there was no way that he could be with me that day let alone help take care of the boys the next few days following.

The doctor said it is an out-patient procedure. She'll give me lots of tummy numbing medicine and some pills and after a couple of hours of observation at the hospital, I'll be sent home if I'm ok. I don't know how long it is going to take to recoup from this but I hope not long. I really need to get my life (and weight) back on track.

So that's the news... I'll update you guys further if there are any new developments on the surgery front. As for that, nothing else here is going on. Plain, plain, plain jane.