Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I haven't died or anything.

Hi there gang..

Just wanted to let you guys know that I haven't died or anything. I just have no computer. It's a really long story but everything got reformatted off the wrong drive and I lost everything important to me and was devasted for quite sometime about it. Mostly all picutres of the boys. Now the computer won't even run anymore. *sob*

I'm posting with the laptop that seems to intermittantly drop my connection all the time and I'm just really out of it right now and haven't really wanted to be on the net.

Also, we're moving into a house. My SIL is moving to Louisianna and we're moving into her house by the end of the year. It doesn't give me much time to do the things I want to do like painting and packing but at least I have 2.5 months to try and get it all done. We're very excited about this. It's only 5 minutes away from where we live now.

So that's the news. I'm still here just... not.

Miss you guys!