Thursday, January 26, 2006

Moving Websites!

I've loved you Blogger. You have been so good to me and I'm saddened that we now part ways. You were more than I expected you to be adn so much nicer and accomodating than Diaryland, but... alas, I have been woo'd by my own domain.

Please update any bookmarks you may have had. I will no longer be updating this journal. It will stay up however for the archives.

Thanks gang!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hair Cuts

The boys finally got much needed hair cuts!

(Ya'll can just ignore the hanging bag of trash right? The camera is a bastard.)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Post Secret

I'm addicted to this site. I wish they still showed the archives (they don't since they came out with the book). It's sad, funny, thought-provoking and deep.

Sometimes I wonder what my secret on a post card would be.

The Friday Five

As what might be a staple around here, here is the Friday Five.....late. What can I say, I was born 2 weeks late and haven't caught up since.

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor? December 27, 2005. I went in to be treated for a cough and ended up being treated for possible asthma and for high blood pressure. I go back for a full physical on Tuesday, Jan. 24th.

2. ...went to the dentist? Umm.....

3. ...filled your gas tank? Well the last time I personally filled the gas tank of one of our vehicles was sometime, November 2001. I don't drive so the gas filling falls on the shoulders of the Hunk.

4. enough sleep? Sleep...what is this word you speak??

5. ...backed up your computer? Sadly....not soon enough. My computer died a few months ago and I lost EVERYTHING on it. I'm still realizing the devastation this holds when I remember something new everyday that I don't have anymore and won't ever get back like the pictures I took with the Wee One as a newborn and the pictures my mother took with him when he was only a few weeks old.

This week's Friday Five has been brought to you by the letters Q and T and the number 7.

Quite a night

I had a huge scare last night that left my heart racing. Naturally, the first thing I thought of was, "I'll have something to journal about!"

I was sitting on my couch, enjoying season 4 - disk 3 of Highlander: The Series with Adrian Paul. For those of you who know me know that Adrian Paul is my original obsession and who is now only second to Gerard. Anyway, I was sitting there enjoying the episode, oh 'round about midnight. Suddenly, there was a HUGE BANGING knock at my front door.

You know the knock that only the cops can be responsible for.

I get up, not wanting to answer the door and not intending to. I'm home alone with two sleeping boys in the other room. I look out the peep hole (which mind you is about 10,000 feet above my head) and see no one.

I was skeered by this time, I tell you. Then I see a cop move into the peep hole line of sight. Ok, cops are the good guys right? All I can think about is the fact that these might be imposter cops and they were going to push their way into my house and heaven only knows do what. I couldn't *not* answer the door though because... they could be real cops!

I opened the door and they asked if *some woman's name* was here and I said I didn't know any woman by that name. The cop was holding a paper that I can only assume was an arrest warrent and by the way him and his partner were standing, I think they were ready for 2 things to happen. This *woman's name* would try and cut and run out on them or that someone was going to come out shooting. They were both standing out of the line of sight of the peep hole, and one was standing far off behind him with his hand on his gun.

The second cop, upon seeing me joined his partner at the door and asked how long I have lived here. I told him a year and the first cop said that *woman's name* used to live in my apt. and would it be possible to see some ID just for verification. I said sure, come in (wasn't I just freaked out about them being imposters? I totally would be the first one dead in a slasher flick) and I got my wallet and showed him. He smiled and said he was sorry to disturb me (even used my name) and then left.

I think I forgot to mention, that naturally, these two cops were HOT AS HELL. Oh and did I mention it was midnight and I was in the UGLIEST pj's that I could possibly own? Oh and that my hair had not been combed since the afternoon and I had absolutely no makeup on (as most women don't when they are at home, at midnight, and not going anywhere).

Totally figures.

In the end, all I can think is thank god the house was clean and thank god they believed me and didn't want to search the rest of the house (and wake up the boys and see my bathrooms that are in much need of scrubbing). As you might have guessed, the first thing I did after the two hunky cops left was call the Hunk himself to tell him of my ordeal. He laughed (bastard) and said he was glad we were ok and really wonders who lived at our apt. before us because this is the 3rd time that cops or deputy sherrifs have come looking for someone. The other two times were for a guy. This is, however, the first time that they have come so late at night and looking like they were definitely about to arrest someone. The cop car sat outside for at least an hour after they knocked on my door. I guess they were looking for this woman to possibly still be in the complex. I don't know.

Pretty exciting huh? I know, nothing exciting ever happens to this little stay at home mommy but I figured this event definitely warrented (warrent, ha! I slay me) telling.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Lesson of the day...

Ok boys and girls. Here is your lesson for the day.

Pancakes and birthday candles together are a no-no. They mix TOO well together. How do we know this? Well I'll tell you.

Being that it is the Hunk's birthday and that he was not going to be home for me to cook him his favorite dinner, I decided that I would cook him his favorite breakfast before work. Blueberry pancakes.

Everything was going well. The pancakes were fluffy and full of blueberries. I had a nice piping hot stack of them piled up that would make IHOP cry. So, me in my wonderful wisdom and giving heart, say to myself, "Self, since you don't have stuff to make a cake, why not put a birthday candle in the pancakes and bring it out to him while singing happily the tune of "Happy Birthday. Self, you are a genius."

When you call yourself a genius, this is usually your first clue things will not end well. Of course, I guess it could be said that talking to yourself is an even better clue that things will not end well.

I digress.

I found the stash of birthday candles I had. Green. Not his favorite color but that won't matter. He will be so happy and appreciative that I made his favorite breakfast and see the wonderful wife that I am to want to make this time special for him that he'll not even notice the candles are green. I mean the man doesn't notice when I rearrange anything, change my hair color, toss away his holey clothes.... I was not worried about candle color.

So, there I am inserting candle into the top of the pancake stack. Perfect. Now, for a lighter. I know there is a lighter somewhere. The Hunk is a smoker so we 're never short on lighters. Damn! I can't find one. Ok, everything is under control. I'm the mom and the wife. I'm prepared. I have... matches!

I rummage around the junk drawer for matches and finally find them. I go back to my perfect stack of pancakes to notice..... the candle looks a bit short, did I push it in too far? Well, I can fix that! I'll just pull the candle out a bit and....wait... where's the bottom of the candle??

The hot pancakes had melted the thin birthday candle into the pancakes. Heat + wax = melty goey wax. This is not rocket science people but apparantly you have to be a rocket scientist to realize this BEFORE you put the candle into the hot stack of blueberry pancakes.

So what do I do now?? Do.... I just take it to him and hope he doesn't notice? I mean, it's only some greenish stained... pancake center. No... he'll notice. He always notices when I don't want him to. Just like he always hears me when I don't want him to but never when I'm talking right to him.

Only thing I can do. Cut out the center of his pancakes. Oh the humiliation. The perfect stack.... with a hole in the center. On top of that, he probably would want an explanation.... It's not every day you get centerless pancakes.

So I told him. "Well Pooky, love of my life, father of my children, man of peace and pacifism (is that a word?) I thought you might like to have a little syrup well in your pancakes, you know for dipping!"

He wasn't buying it. I fessed up and told him the whole sorted tale.

Then he gave me the look. Oh the look.... The look of a man who knows he married a nitwit. Fortunately for me, that's a smile that tells me he wouldn't change that for the world.

Happy Birthday, baby.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


So here I am, sitting here (as you might have guessed, or maybe you didn't) trying to think up things to tell you all that will be witty, insightful, thought-provoking, or funny to say to you guys and my mind is drawing a blank. I guess genius journal entries aren't to be commanded at will. It doesn't help that I read amazing journals with awesome writers and can see my own ability wither before my eyes.

Even in the blogging world, there are still the "cheerleaders" that I'm incredibly jealous of. They have it all. Nice layouts (even worse when they create their own!), witty and wonderful entries, and comments to choke a chicken. (not that I advocate chokings of chickens). And I, I'm still the girl on the sidelines wishing I had it all.

That sounds all rather depressing doesn't it? Really, I'm not depressed about it, just GREEEEN with envy. I used to think that all I wanted in life was to be able to sing beautifully. Now, I wish that I could blog/journal with all the elements I love reading.

I think the biggest difference is how wonderful of story tellers some women (not that men can't be either, I just have only really found women written blogs that I read consistantly) can be. Even in the retelling of the days events it's a story rather than a list of what's going on. I love that. I love reading stories. I feel I just report lists. "We did this, went here, gotta do that and well that's all for now..."

So, in my attempt at trying to change my life so that I complain less and do more, I'm going to try and write the way I'd want to read. If that makes sense. And hopefully I won't just feel I'm copying my favorite journalers.

With that said... I have absolutely nothing to write about. Hehe! Whee! This is going to be interesting.

I've just had some random thoughts. Like... why is it your parents make you think they are so much smarter than you, full of life experiance and wisdom and then.... need you to tell them how to get to the next level on the Playstation when 1. You've either never played that game ever OR 2. You haven't gotten that far? Ok so not everyone's parents play the PS, and my own mother doesn't either but when I was a teenager, she played our Super Nintendo (so obsolete, I know I'm old) and constantly would ask me how to do stuff in the game when I hadn't even reached that level myself. She just assumed I know everything and to this day, if it is technical or computer related, I'm like her 'guru'. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse. Although I'd like to be thought a genius when it comes to the computer..... it clearly is not easy figuring out the predicaments my mother gets into when she gets on her computer. Mind you, one time, she thought she had 2 different Window98's on her computer, or the time she tried passwording everything to keep my younger sister out and only succeeded in locking her own self out. Hehe.

The Wee One is saying words, and like every mother, I keep meaning to write them down for posterity (as if he's never going to say them again, right?) Mainly, I keep thinking I need to write them down so that I don't sound like an idiot at the Pediatrician's. Ha! Too late. The last visit we had with the Ped, she was asking me questions about the Kidlet and for some reason my brain wires crossed (as oft to happen) and I got it in my head she was talking about the Wee One. She asked if he could wash his hands and I was thinking, "He's so little. He doesn't know how to wash his own hands." but not wanting to sound like my child is behind developmentally, I say, "Well kind of, he puts his hands under the water but really doesn't wash wash them himself."

Did I say she was talking about The Kidlet? Who's six years old...... To bad I didn't realize what I said when I said it and ended up realizing what she ment 2 days later. So now she thinks my six year old son just likes to put his hands under the water but can't wash them himself. Oy.

Oh words, yes. The Wee One is saying words. He can say juice, bus, march (although it comes out "botch" which in turns sounds like "bitch") Dora, Blue and no. He tries to say 'clock' but often leaves the 'L" out of it. Fun times.

Just when I decide to do the Thursday Thirteen, it goes poof into oblivion. Coincidence? I think.. so!

Today is the Hunk's 40th Birthday and I have no gift for him. I have no cake mix and frosting in the house to make him a cake, not that he'd be home to eat it. We did make some homemade cards though and it's the thought that counts. I'm sure if I wrack my brain cell really hard I can think of something he'll really enjoy. He hasn't acted like turning 40 has bothered him in any way. I think he's in a place in his life where he's happy. He loves his job, he has a wife and 2 beautiful boys and an SUV. All he's missing is the mortgage. I asked him if he could have any plastic surgery procedure in the world done, what, if anything, would he do? (I'm often inclined to ask these sort of profound introspectual (is that a word?) questions). He said he wouldn't have anything done or at least couldn't think of anything. I thought that spoke volumes for his self-esteeem and confidence. There's nothing he'd change with the knife. I can't say the same of myself (admittedly though, I probably wouldn't have any surgery if I could help it because I'm a chicken but there's tons of things that I could name that could be improved with it).

When I asked if he would considering having a procedure about his hair (he's balding) he just shrugged and said he hadn't thought about it. I wish I was where he was at with my own self image. I know there are things he wants to change like stop smoking (which we have a don't bring up policy. He doesn't bring up my weight issue, I don't bring up the smoking issue) and he said he wants to start doing some stomach crunches because his jeans are tight now that he has to wear long johns under his clothes to work. As you can see from the pictures below, the man likes tight jeans anyway.

Mmmmm tight jeans....

Where was I? Oh, the Hunk's birthday. Happy Birthday Pooky! I love you!

I've spent a long time on this entry and denied the blankets in the dryer. I'm off to do the whole Betty Homemaker routine.


(And because I didn't have enough parentheses in my entry, here's a few more)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Send the calvary!

I want you all to know that I have, indeed, not abandoned my journal again. I've just been under a massive, massive pile (well more like piles) of laundry that I have been doing for 3 days. I think the fabric softener scents have gone to my head permenantly and killed off one of the last 2 brain cells I had.

I will be back with Thursday Thirteen... hopefully tomorrow on.. Thursday! Otherwise it'd be kind of pointless to have it on say, Saturday.

Also, wish the Hunk a Happy Birthday. He turns 40 tomorrow (the 19th). :)

Monday, January 16, 2006


Since Sarah said everyone should get a glimpse of the Hunk's butt in jeans.... I'm posting one. Who am I to refuse a reader??

The things I do for you guys....

I took a picture of the Hunk while he was talking to the Kidlet in the living room. Teehee! Sneaky!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

You know you're an 80's child when....

1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE".

2. You watched the Pound Puppies.

3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Belair " ...and can do the "Carlton".

4. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy.

5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own.

6. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.

7. You know that "WOAH " comes from Joey on Blossom.

8. Two words: Hammer Pants.

9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock ".

10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and "spokey-dokes" or playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect.

11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales". (Woo ooh!)

12. When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.

14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles " on the big screen... and still know the turtles names.

15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.

16. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.

17. You played the game "MASH ". (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)

18. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.

19. L.A. Gear... need I say more.

20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM " in Kindergarten. (She's truly outrageous)

21. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing " and all the Ramona books.

22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF".

23. You wanted to be a Goonie.

24. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us... head-to-toe)

25. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted.

26. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.

27. You took lunch boxes to school... and traded Garbage Pail Kids in the schoolyard.

28. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.

29. You still get the urge to say "NOT " after every sentence.

30. You remember Hypercolor t-shirts.

31. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.

32. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hookup.

33. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.

34. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes. (and like #24, probably in neon colors, too)

35. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"

36. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"

37. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.

38. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.

39. You have ever played with a Skip-It.

40. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds.

41. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.

42. You remember Popples.

43. "Don't worry, be happy"

44. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.

45. You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do...getting yelled at by "younger hip" members of the family)

46. "Miss MARY MACK MACK MACK, all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK "

47. You remember boom boxes. and walking around with one on your shoulder like you were all that.

48. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.

49. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!"

50. You remember watching "Rainbow Bright" and "My Little Pony Tales "

51. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.

52. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.

53. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool... and don't even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB".

54. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By the Bell ", the ORIGINAL class.

55. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.

56. You just sang those words to yourself.

57.You remember watching Magic vs. Bird.

58. Homemade Levi shorts. (the shorter the better)

59. You remember when mullets were cool!

60. You had a mullet!

61. You still sing "We are the World"

62. You tight rolled your jeans.

63. You owned a bannana clip.

64. You remember "Where's the Beef?"

65. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' about Willis?"

66. You had big hair and you knew how to use it.

67. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head,aren't you!

68. You owned Debbie Gibson "Electric Youth" perfume

69. You wore "Unit" clothes

70. Full House

71. Thunder...Thunder...Thundercats HO!!!!!!!

72. You wondered why the Joes and Cobra had such bad aim

Let me know if you're an 80's child and how many you related to! (I related to all but 3 dealing with mullets and unit clothes!)

Congrats Gerry!

Not that I needed this to tell me Gerard Butler was the most attractive man for 2005, but it sure doesn't hurt that he won it anyway.

Congrats Gerry on winning a poll that you probably put no stock into, except to know how much your fans love you which I know means a lot to you. Cheers!

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Friday Five

I'm on a roll, three posts in one day. What can I say? Show me the love people!

I got this from here and decided to do it since I think it helps out with letting your readers get to know you, especially when you can't think of an entry to write. I don't know if this site is the "official" Friday Five but it's what I could find on the net.

1. What is the most adventurous food you've ever tried? Deer, Sheep, Elk

2. What is the most adventurous food you'd be willing to try? Duck maybe. I'm not very adventurous with my food. The previous foods were thrust upon me with no escape route.

3. Would you have a problem eating dog meat and why or why not? If I was starving, I'd eat it. If not, the thought of Fido going down my throat is too much to bear.

4. For the most part, do you consider your diet to be balanced? Depends, do the donuts weight as much as the twinkies? (that was a joke guys..)

5. Which is more appealing- being a vegetarian for the rest of your life or being a strict carnivore for the rest of your life? Strict carnivore. I like meat. Cows, pigs and chickens, give them all to me. I'm sure if I could afford it, the Atkin's diet and I would get along famously. Well aside from that whole giving up every white food thing...

National De-lurking Week for Jan. 9-13

Ok, so I'm a week late. Sue me... just as long as you leave a comment!

Leave a comment!

Seven In Seven

I got this from here and thought that I would give it a go. It looks interesting! I hope I have seven answers. Hehe.

Seven things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel to a foreign country. (Scotland, Australia, Rome)
2. See my sons graduate HS/College, fall in love, get married and have babies of their own. (Guess this one is up to them too!)
3. See the sun rise up out of the ocean on the Atlantic coast.
4. Wear size 12 jeans and weigh somewhere in 'onederland'.
5. Own a beautiful house.
6. Meet Gerard Butler.
7. Renew my vows in the wedding dress of my dreams.
8. Oh wait, only 7? Drats! I had more…

Seven things I cannot do:
1. Decide if I want another baby or not
2. Draw or Paint
3. Sing (Much to the woe of my soul)
4. Give birth with no epidural (I stole this one because it could not be more true for me!)
5. Play guitar
6. Win at Wheel of Fortune
7. Drive without the fear of death in the pit of my stomach

Seven things that attract me to my husband:
1. His muscles
2. His nobility (the man is a man of his word)
3. His work ethic
4. His joy of being a father
5. His butt in jeans
6. His ‘fix-it’ ability
7. His thoughtfulness

Seven things I say most often:
1. No!
2. I love you
3. Did you poop?!
4. Dammit!
5. You stay out of there..!
6. Gimme kisses
7. Bye Baby, drive safe

Seven favorite series/books/authors:
1. George R.R. Martin
2. J.K. Rowling
3. James Patterson
4. Francine Pasqual (Ok so I still love the Sweet Valley High/College series)
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?

Seven movies I watch over and over:
1. Attila
2. Phantom of the Opera
3. Dear Frankie
4. Tomb Raider 2: Cradle of Life
5. Timeline
6. Ever After
7. How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Aha! I'm not gone...

I bet you guys thought that I had given up on updating again. Ha! You people are so wrong about me! I came back just to prove you wrong. I can be a real meanie that way.

So, what's going on? Nothing. Hehehe. Yes, that is my answer for everything. Just give me a few minutes of typing and I probably will realize I have tons more going on than I thought. That usually always happens and when I'm finished, I'm like, "What the hell? Where did this awesomely long entry come from??"

The Wee One still has an ear infection in his right ear so we are going through round two of antibiotics. Augmentin this time I believe. Other than a cold, having 4 shots (one being the flu shot which he'll have to follow up with a second on in a month) and having a vial of blood drawn to check for anemia, and having tripped and hit the corner of his eye between the lid and brow where he instantly was bruised and swollen, he's doing peachy keen. When they say children are resilliant, they really mean it. He's been crabby at times but you would almost never know he had an ear infection or went through a terrible ordeal with all those shots. His nose is a fountain of icky stuff and his cough is congested but he runs around this house laughing most of the time.

The hunk has had his two days off and we enjoyed having him home. It's such an event when Daddy is home. Mommy is happier and less stressed so kids are calmer and happier which makes Daddy think that the kids are just angels all the time *mutter*. They love having him home and for two days are attached to him at the hip which gives my hips a much needed break. Everything isn't always roses when he's home as sometimes I feel like I have three children instead of two but for the most part, I really, really look forward to his days off.

How's the weight loss going you ask? I don't know. I took the weekend and first half of the week off from exercise but I picked it back up today. You can check my progress over at Skinny Bitches. I just put up a long post.

I suppose that is all I have to update with. No foreseeable future plans except my doctor's appointment on the 29th. You know, I see people with little "Upcoming events" lists on their layout and they cross off the dates as they happen but I would never have anything to add to my list. *sniff* I'd have a little lonely and blank upcoming events.

Hmm, got off on a tangent there. Anyway, time for a shower!

Toodles bon ami!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Getting settled in

I've been trying to think of what I wanted my next entry to be but I'm coming up short on ideas. I could probably go into the day-to-day stuff of the Kidlet doing well in school, being able to read simple books on his own, and rattling off math facts like crazy. He amazes me.

The Wee One is starting to rattle off words. He's talking in babbles 98% of the time and I don't understand him but every once in a while he'll mimic, "Daddy's at work", "That's a ball", "There's a ball", "book", "daddy/mama", and of course, "no". They aren't perfect by any means but it is what I think he's saying. He occasionally says car as gog and Grandma as "na-mah". He will not eat. Pretty much anything I put infront of him is something he doesn't like except mac and cheese and I can only handle so much of that. I keep trying to introduce foods to him, if he doesn't like it, come back a few weeks later. But so far he's a smart cookie and gives me the look of, "I wouldn't eat that the first time, you think I'm going to do different now?" About the only thing he eats without question is saltine crackers and milk.

The Hunk is doing fabulously at his job and he's still loving it. He's learning a lot and he and his boss get along really well. He's the startup supervisor for ****** department which he's happy with because he's only been working there for 6 mo. and that position usually is for people who have been there a while. It's not a promotion in terms of pay, technically it is just a latteral move but the fact that he's trusted to be there feels like a promotion to him. He's also happy that his hours will change. He'll be working more from 3 to midnight instead of getting home anywhere from 3-6 a.m. The drawback to this new position is that he won't be picking up the Kidlet from the bus in the afternoons. This means that he'll only see him for 10-30 minutes in the mornings, be gone before the Kidlet comes home and come home after the Kidlet has gone to bed, for five of seven days of the week. He's pretty unhappy about that as he misses us and the kids enough as it is.

As for me? I'm doing ok. My coughing is improving finally. I've worked out 3 days in a row and my muscles have the attitude to prove it. I've been drinking so much water I think that I'm growing gills. It just tastes so good to me. We are pretty much going through warm front after warm front and the temperatures are about to gob ack up into the 70's again through the weekend. The house gets warm and I get thirsty. Nothing quenches thirst like cold water.

Michele- So good to see you again! The Hello Kitty layout rocked and I had it for probably more than half a year. There were other HK layouts by the designer but I couldn't decide on a second one because I had loved the first so much. I nearly went with a little shopping HK though! I'm sure we'll be seeing more of that little kitty in the future.

Stacy- I lost your email. I'm dying to know if you had the twins or not yet. If you are still reading, please email me or comment or something so I can get a hold of you!

I got three new movies from Netflix that I'm excited to watch (Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Monster-in-law, Batman Begins) so I think I'm going to head off and do that.

Later gators!

Go Longhorns!!

Congratulations to the Texas Longhorns for winning the National Championship at the Rose Bowl and for making it a DAMN good game to watch. Wooohoo!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Finally a new layout...

I can tell you that it was not easy changing the Hello Kitty layout. I love that cute, simple, white cat so much. Usually I'm one to change layouts fairly regularly but some how that HK design just made me happy.

Alas, though, a new year felt like I should have some sort of new layout. Change. Clean slate. It's all very zen and smart sounding if you think about it. I just wanted to have something new to look at since I'm going to attempt to start journaling more frequently. At least more than every other month. That's for sure!

What's new with me? I'd like to say a lot but there really isn't anything. How boring is that? Nearly two months of no updates and I have nothing to say. Well ask yourself, why the no updates? Maybe... because there isn't anything. I don't mind though. If I had a busy, chaotic, exciting life, chances are I'd be too busy to update then too. So either way, this works.

The hunk is still loving his job as a loading supervisor at a logistics warehouse. He comes home in a good mood all the time. It's been nice. That aspect of it anyway. It sucks that he works graveyards and I really feel like I'm stuck here with the kids 24/7 with no help. At times, it is overwhelming.

I went to the doctor's for a cough I have had sinec moses was around, and I got put on medication for asthma and medication for high blood pressure. You know, it was only a cough when I went IN to the doctor's and suddenly I come out worse than when I went in! I hate that. I'm scheduled for a phyiscal on Jan 29th or somewhere around there and I'm just scared to death of what I'm going to hear. Foul words like morbidly obese, diabetes, high cholesterol, lose weight...

I've heard them before and I'm working on the weight so I guess it will be useful to know where I stand and to see how far I have come in 1 year from physical to physical.

I hope you like the new layout even if the cyan boxes between each entry aren't supposed to be there and I can't figure out how to make them disappear. Type at ya later!