Friday, June 26, 2009

Pretty Good Day

Today has been a pretty good day. I didn't do much of anything but the important thing is that I did work out. I could have easily skipped it, telling myself I did work out after midnight last night so "technically" I had worked out already today. I also could have used the excuse that I was stiff. I wasn't sore mind you, but I was pretty stiff. However I didn't let that get me too down and I decided to just walk an in-home mile followed by a 30 minute stretch with Denise Austin.

Himself hooked up the VCR last night so this 30 minute stretch video is on the agenda again. it's not exercise at all, but it just feels so good to stretch myself from head to toe. Carebear also did her workout even though she got up at the ass-crack of dawn and worked, and ran errands and had to go pick up her husband in addition she also had to do a follow-up orientation of sorts for a job she applied for. She won't know if she has it until Monday or Tuesday. I'm so proud of her! If anyone had an excuse to not work out due to being exhausted, it was her and yet she didn't use it. Her hubby even worked out with her too. Lucky wench.

So I'd say we're off to a good start so far. I'm just... finally so excited thinking about weight loss again. I know it has to do with the number on the scale. Weird, right? Usually the number on the scale depresses me so much and although it has in the past lead to motivation, it was never pretty to see. This time though, the number was so much lower than I expected it to be compared to the last time I weighed and not only that, it's the lowest I've been since 2005. When the Wii Fit said I weighed this much I just couldn't accept it. I knew that the Wii wasn't as accurate because it was on the carpet. Anytime you put a scale on the carpet it is going to make you weigh less. Then I decided to buy a scale and it too said the same number. I am finally going to have to accept that it's real and that magic won't take it away and make me fat again. I just have to really focus on my health and make sure that I don't start an upward trend with this umpteenth chance I've been given.

In other news, I have so much cleaning to do in my house before my sister gets here for my trip to New Mexico. I might as well just make a schedule and decide what I'll clean on each day. They are going to be spending the night so everything needs to be really, really clean and washed. I'm not sure I have pillows for them. They might have to bring their own. How sad is that to ask them to bring their own pillows? But geeze, they can be expensive if you don't want picky feathers poking you or if you don't want a pancake in about 8 weeks.

I painted my fingernails a really pretty reddish-pink. I haven't painted my nails in some time but I found these tiny nail polishes at Walmart for .98 and so I got a pearly white, a pearly soft pink and then a darker pinkish-red. Or reddish-pink. Whichever you prefer, it looks equally great. I've been trying to grow my nails out and it was working but my nails tend to flake and I just can't leave them alone. I have to split the flakes off which of course weakens them or makes more of a chunk of nail I have to tear off. I finally cut all my nails short so they'd be the same length and I put the polish on them so hopefully I will not mess with them. Well, that is, until I start scratching the nail polish off...

Time to go make the kids something to eat. I swear, with JT being out of school and them being allowed to stay up until 10 p.m. at night, they are always hungry for snacks between 9 and 10. They are going to eat me out of house and home pretty soon!

Later, cookies.

1 comment:

{CARRIE} said...

try having 3 kids and 3 adults!!! i buy food every two days