Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Appointment tomorrow...

I have an appointment tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. to see my surgeon about fixing this hernia. She wanted me to get rid of the cough before she repaired it since the cough is what brought on the hernia. Only thing is, I can't get rid of this cough. It's dramatically decreased yes, but I still have some very bad days. I think a recent bad day with the cough made the hernia worse. Since hernia's can be life threatening, I'm not going to take chances and I'm going to see her tomorrow and tell her I've seen 2 regular doctors and 1 ER doc about this cough and I've only managed to get it down to a dull roar on most days. She wanted me to see a Puliminary Specialist and said she'd call my regular doctor about getting me a referral but when I went to that doc appointment I was only given Advair and Singulair. Those medications helped a lot but now that I'm out of them... slowly the cough creeps back.

Also when you are taking Advair it says to be careful because you aren't as fast at healing. Lovely.

So I don't know what to do. I don't know if she is going to wait and have me see a Pulminary Specialist or if she will see the hernia is worse and decide to operate. I'm not looking foward to surgery I can tell you that. Especially since my mother-in-law just had it and she's been in hte hopsital 3 times in 3 weeks with recovery complications.

I'm too young to be falling apart like this.

Let us not even talk about weight, shall we?

Other than that life here is good. Nothing new to report. It's just the same day to day stuff. Try and sleep, get up with baby, get Kidlet when he gets off of school, work on homework, sleep. Them, not me. Heh.

Life is uncomplicated right now for the most part. Which is very, very good. It's just this darn impending surgery. Please don't let this be the first step on the road to being really old with a million health problems.


Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie, I'm falling apart, too. I canNOT get well. Tell me, did the Advair make your throat hurt? I'm taking it too, and my throat hurts so bad I called my Dr. today and begged them to let me stop taking it. (They said no. Must get rid of cough.) I rinse like they say to do, but still, it hurts! What about you?
I will be back, I'm going to go get all caught up with you!
Carrie (rdhdprincess)

Sarah said...

Thinking about you! Hoping you got some good news at the docs!

Anonymous said...

get better!