Thursday, March 10, 2005

Where have I been?

Well it's been a few days since I last posted. Where have I been? I certainly don't know! Time seems to be flying by at a break-neck speed.

I had a surgical consultation about my hernia. She consulted to me that I needed surgery. She also said she wanted me to see a pulminary specialist first to find out why I've had a cough for 3 months before she does anything. She said the coughing will only return the hernia. Makes sense. So I go to the doctor's tomorrow morning at 10:15 so that that doctor can tell me which Pulminary Specialist to go to. Then make another appointment and so on and so forth.

I'm only 28 people. I feel I'm falling apart at the seams here!

The Wee One had his 1-year well baby check (more info here). It went fine, mostly. He has a cold but his ears are clear and not infected. He's dropped from the 50% to 5% though. I think from being sick the majority of his short life. I was upset by this but not because I feel any personal responsiblity (for once I have no guilt!) but just because of the situation. You want your children to thrive and grow. You don't want them to be sick to the point that they are only bigger than 5% of the population age group he's in. I know those figures mean nothing so you don't have to email me (shut your clients!), but it's just something I wish had not happened to him. I'd give anything to rid this house of germs and sickness but with the Kidlet being school age, I doubt that we'll ever get away from it. Except during the summers.

I'm beginning to understand how people can have phobias about "germ riddle children".

Did I tell y'all that we got a dwarf hamster? Oh she's the cutest thing! She's a Robo (roborovski) hamster and she's no bigger than my thumb. She'll grow to about 2". I haven't taken a picture of her yet because I'm letting her get aclimated to our house first. I'm a little worried about her though. I haven't seen her drink any water and the water level of her bottle hasn't gone down. I touched the tip and was dry so I took it out and just as I did so a drop fell out so I know it works. We'll continue to see how she does. A site about Robo Hamsters is here. As soon as she's adjusted (and not dead from dehydration) I'll take a picture of her. The Kidlet named her Caylie.

I think that is all to report! Until next time my lovelies....


Sarah said...

Sending positive vibes about your up coming appointments and surgery! Hope everything is taken care of quickly and smoothly!! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

be careful not to get another one though - we had one that was really nice, then we got a second one and put them together and they both turned really mean.