Monday, February 28, 2005

I can never get it right

My sleeping schedule sucks. I'm up all night and most of they day. I finally konk out some time late afternoon/evening and sleep until 10:30 or so and then the cycle repeats.

My throat hurts like a.... well, it just hurts. The Hunk said he's feeling that "pre-cold tickle" in his throat too. I can not wait for summer when my Kidlet can get away from all these germ riddled kids and we can start feeling well again!

I think the Wee One might be coming down with a cough/cold. He was coughing most of the day and his nose is running just a little bit. I hope he doesn't get a sore throat like mine. It's horrific. The insides of my ears hurt it is so bad.

I thought it would go away by now (3-4 days later), but it hasn't so I guess it is another trip to the doctor. Doctors must love school season. They can really clean up the money with everyone being sick.

I don't feel like typing much more. I think I'm going to watch my netflix dvd's, take Tylenol PM and get the Kidlet's clothes ready for school tomorrow.


Ramona said...

Awww, I hope you all get to feel better. Be sure to drink logs of water. *Tight hugs and loud Prayers*

Ramona said...
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Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon! It must be awful to have your kids keep getting sick. I've been thinking of you most of the winter. I can't wait till it's summer and all those germs go away! :o) I just wanted to let you know that I love your new journal. The layout is just gorgeous, and I'm so happy to see you updating more often! Now if only *I* could get my act together! :o)