Friday, September 21, 2007

Because I adore this man...

... and I can't flippin' wait until this movie comes out:

Read the book. It's amazing. Word of advice if you do, keep the tissues close and well stocked.


Unknown said...

I want sex with that man.

Anonymous said...

i CANNOT WAIT. the main character is named holly. she rules. i loved that book.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the name pronunciation help there. FOr whatever reason, I see the spelling as GerRARD instead of thinking Jarred. :D I have to agree that yes, he has a really nice bum there, but, wasn't enough to make me want to own the movie. ;)

As for PS, I Love You, I am just hoping to get through the book before December when the movie comes out. Also, for whatever reason, I so see Gerard Butler when I am reading about Gerry in the book, but I am just not feeling Hillary Swank as Holly. :/ Oh well, I suppose we shall see when the movie comes out. :)

Take care and I am waiting for that letter from you, but, I understand about work. :)

Give the kiddies a kiss for me! Talk to ya soon, I hope. :)

Anonymous said...

I just bought the book on your advice and am loving it! I didn't know the author was the daughter of the (think former?) Irish Prime Minister. It is so good! I saw the trailer and was excited about Gerry but I wouldn't have tried to read the book before the movie without your recommendation. Thank you! It is a terk jerker though isn't it? It reminds us to be thankful of everything we have. I do love Gerry, however, I have Irish parents and I can say his accent is a little exagerrated ;)