Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Finally! Progress at last.

Finally! Some progress on this blog! I think I have finally gotten everything down the way that I want it. I must say that it isn't what I expected to have in the way of design. Oh sure it is soft and beautiful (like me) and colorful (like me) and well organized (...uhh), but I thought that I would of gone with more of a "theme" that fit.

Well since this is a departure from the (currently non-existant) weight loss diary that diaryland used to be is, I thought I'd come over to blogger and set up a personal diary. The kind that I can say anything in about anyone and never ever have to worry about them finding out. Ha! I think those days are long gone for all of us online journalers. People are just way to savvy these days.

I am however not going to link this diary to Diaryland or vice versa. We may be beyond the luxery of privacy but that doesn't mean that I'm going to take chances! I want to be able to hang around blogger for a while unnoticed. I admit, it has been a huge undertaking. I probably wouldn't of done it had I known that I would be up past 6 a.m. trying to figure simple things out. But there are so many more features and entirely much more control of this journal than there ever was at Diaryland. More to learn but hopefully once I do, more to enjoy.

Also, I find that Blogger templates can sometimes be a whole lot prettier than Diaryland. Not to mention just the stock templates they have here are much prettier and professional looking than Diaryland's stock templates.

Well I don't have any more to say. I hope my readers follow me here and enjoy reading as much as they did at Diaryland. I don't know if this is permenant but I think I'm liking the new digs....

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