Sometimes when I don't get enough sleep, don't feel well, or just generally feeling pretty icky, the Wee One picks up on those feelings of frustration and tension and blahness and seems to act out exactly how I feel. Fussy, unsatisfiable, cranky and determined to not be soothed. This of course happens because he's reacting to my mood every bit as much as I am reacting to his behavior.
However, there are those few shining moments when your baby reminds you just how incredibly wonderful and genius and sensative he is. My sleeping
Today however was a different story. The Hunk had to go into work early this morning so I had to get the Kidlet up and ready for school. That means waking the Wee One up 1-2 hours before he was ready to get up. He's also not the kind of baby to go to the bus stop with Mama and brother and then fall asleep once he gets back. Oh no, when he wakes up or is woken up, he's going to be awake for the duration of the morning.
So why is my baby the best baby? Because I had such a severe headache this morning that it took 1 narcotic pain killer (small dose that was prescribed for my cough), and 6 Tylenol (in intervals) to knock it out. I thought it was some blod clot come to kill me and explode in my brain and I'd die right here and the baby would be all alone all day with no one to get the Kidlet from the bus stop and I'd end up on the 5 o'clock news. Back to my story though.... I was hurting so bad. Nausea from the pain and generally crappy mood.
Well, my baby fell asleep and slept for 3 whole hours. Can you imagine?? Normally he sleeps 1-2 hours but usualy like 45 min to an hour. Today he slept three hours and I was right there with him sleeping. My headache was finally knocked out too. I woke up still sleepy of course but thank goodness he didn't wake up right after I had fallen asleep because on days like today, that's usually my luck. Heh.

The ladies are going to be in real trouble when these boys grow up...
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.
1 comment:
Methinkgs Anna may have a crush on Sean already ;)
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