My sleeping schedule sucks. I'm up all night and most of they day. I finally konk out some time late afternoon/evening and sleep until 10:30 or so and then the cycle repeats.
My throat hurts like a.... well, it just hurts. The Hunk said he's feeling that "pre-cold tickle" in his throat too. I can not wait for summer when my Kidlet can get away from all these germ riddled kids and we can start feeling well again!
I think the Wee One might be coming down with a cough/cold. He was coughing most of the day and his nose is running just a little bit. I hope he doesn't get a sore throat like mine. It's horrific. The insides of my ears hurt it is so bad.
I thought it would go away by now (3-4 days later), but it hasn't so I guess it is another trip to the doctor. Doctors must love school season. They can really clean up the money with everyone being sick.
I don't feel like typing much more. I think I'm going to watch my netflix dvd's, take Tylenol PM and get the Kidlet's clothes ready for school tomorrow.
This is my life and the words that will paint the pictures for you. I invite you along to read, learn, and feel. I hope you find something inspiring. Above all, bear an open heart and mind. This is a judgement free zone. Negativity is unsolicited!
Monday, February 28, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
The Wee People
The boys' have thier site up and running, full with nonsense posts and pictures!
A link to their site has been added to my Blog Roll as well for those that want to check in on them.
A link to their site has been added to my Blog Roll as well for those that want to check in on them.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Now I've done it...
Well I've gone and done it. I bought a new vacuum so I guess this means...
*gulp* I'm going to have to clean.
We bought a Hoover Wind Tunnel Self-Propelled Bagless vacuum. Yay. They told us that it has the same suction power as a Dyson, which is tons more expensive.
So, guess I get to snap to cleaning up. Picking up toys, washing the laundry I've already seperated into piles on the floor and suck up some of the dirt around here!
To those at Diaryland who read and are sad to see me leave... thank you so much for your kind comments. I'm not leaving Diaryland entirely. I'm still going to save that journal for weight loss (whenever the weight gets lost!). I know how it feels when your contacts go to another journaling system and their name no longer shows up red when they have updated. I hated that! If you want to be notified of when I update, send me your email. I'll just email you whenever there is a new post so that you don't feel you have to lose touch with me because the last thing I want to do is to lose any of the wonderful friends I have made. I love you guys so much. You got me through many a rough patches!
(Holly, as for LiveJournal, I tried it and didn't like it! Sorry honey!)
*gulp* I'm going to have to clean.
We bought a Hoover Wind Tunnel Self-Propelled Bagless vacuum. Yay. They told us that it has the same suction power as a Dyson, which is tons more expensive.
So, guess I get to snap to cleaning up. Picking up toys, washing the laundry I've already seperated into piles on the floor and suck up some of the dirt around here!
To those at Diaryland who read and are sad to see me leave... thank you so much for your kind comments. I'm not leaving Diaryland entirely. I'm still going to save that journal for weight loss (whenever the weight gets lost!). I know how it feels when your contacts go to another journaling system and their name no longer shows up red when they have updated. I hated that! If you want to be notified of when I update, send me your email. I'll just email you whenever there is a new post so that you don't feel you have to lose touch with me because the last thing I want to do is to lose any of the wonderful friends I have made. I love you guys so much. You got me through many a rough patches!
(Holly, as for LiveJournal, I tried it and didn't like it! Sorry honey!)
Moments like these...
I've been doing rather well dealing with the death of my Grandma. I think mainly because there's no disruption to my daily life. She lived very far away and so other than knowing she's gone, there are no daily constant reminders that she's not with me anymore.
Then, on occasion, I'm blindingly reminded of the loss of her presence. Where it just hits me like a ton of bricks that yes, in fact, she's gone. I was logged into MSN Msngr. and I clicked on my offline contacts to send someone an email when there I saw it.
Her name.
I realized that it would never pop up as online again. It would never have that little green online man letting me know she's available to talk. She's red. Unreachable. In that moment I was faced with the question to delete her from my contact list but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't let go. I know that she's never going to be online again but permenantly deleting her from my list just felt too much like deleting her from my life.
I don't know what is worse though. Deleting her or always seeing the red, unreachable contact staring at me.
I just don't know.
Then, on occasion, I'm blindingly reminded of the loss of her presence. Where it just hits me like a ton of bricks that yes, in fact, she's gone. I was logged into MSN Msngr. and I clicked on my offline contacts to send someone an email when there I saw it.
Her name.
I realized that it would never pop up as online again. It would never have that little green online man letting me know she's available to talk. She's red. Unreachable. In that moment I was faced with the question to delete her from my contact list but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't let go. I know that she's never going to be online again but permenantly deleting her from my list just felt too much like deleting her from my life.
I don't know what is worse though. Deleting her or always seeing the red, unreachable contact staring at me.
I just don't know.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
The best baby...
I have the best baby in the world. Yes, even better than yours.
Sometimes when I don't get enough sleep, don't feel well, or just generally feeling pretty icky, the Wee One picks up on those feelings of frustration and tension and blahness and seems to act out exactly how I feel. Fussy, unsatisfiable, cranky and determined to not be soothed. This of course happens because he's reacting to my mood every bit as much as I am reacting to his behavior.
However, there are those few shining moments when your baby reminds you just how incredibly wonderful and genius and sensative he is. My sleepingunschedule has gone into it's "whacky but in a bad way" phase and I've been up all night. Yesterday wasn't so bad because the Hunk was home to watch the boys.
Today however was a different story. The Hunk had to go into work early this morning so I had to get the Kidlet up and ready for school. That means waking the Wee One up 1-2 hours before he was ready to get up. He's also not the kind of baby to go to the bus stop with Mama and brother and then fall asleep once he gets back. Oh no, when he wakes up or is woken up, he's going to be awake for the duration of the morning.
So why is my baby the best baby? Because I had such a severe headache this morning that it took 1 narcotic pain killer (small dose that was prescribed for my cough), and 6 Tylenol (in intervals) to knock it out. I thought it was some blod clot come to kill me and explode in my brain and I'd die right here and the baby would be all alone all day with no one to get the Kidlet from the bus stop and I'd end up on the 5 o'clock news. Back to my story though.... I was hurting so bad. Nausea from the pain and generally crappy mood.
Well, my baby fell asleep and slept for 3 whole hours. Can you imagine?? Normally he sleeps 1-2 hours but usualy like 45 min to an hour. Today he slept three hours and I was right there with him sleeping. My headache was finally knocked out too. I woke up still sleepy of course but thank goodness he didn't wake up right after I had fallen asleep because on days like today, that's usually my luck. Heh.

The ladies are going to be in real trouble when these boys grow up...
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.
Sometimes when I don't get enough sleep, don't feel well, or just generally feeling pretty icky, the Wee One picks up on those feelings of frustration and tension and blahness and seems to act out exactly how I feel. Fussy, unsatisfiable, cranky and determined to not be soothed. This of course happens because he's reacting to my mood every bit as much as I am reacting to his behavior.
However, there are those few shining moments when your baby reminds you just how incredibly wonderful and genius and sensative he is. My sleeping
Today however was a different story. The Hunk had to go into work early this morning so I had to get the Kidlet up and ready for school. That means waking the Wee One up 1-2 hours before he was ready to get up. He's also not the kind of baby to go to the bus stop with Mama and brother and then fall asleep once he gets back. Oh no, when he wakes up or is woken up, he's going to be awake for the duration of the morning.
So why is my baby the best baby? Because I had such a severe headache this morning that it took 1 narcotic pain killer (small dose that was prescribed for my cough), and 6 Tylenol (in intervals) to knock it out. I thought it was some blod clot come to kill me and explode in my brain and I'd die right here and the baby would be all alone all day with no one to get the Kidlet from the bus stop and I'd end up on the 5 o'clock news. Back to my story though.... I was hurting so bad. Nausea from the pain and generally crappy mood.
Well, my baby fell asleep and slept for 3 whole hours. Can you imagine?? Normally he sleeps 1-2 hours but usualy like 45 min to an hour. Today he slept three hours and I was right there with him sleeping. My headache was finally knocked out too. I woke up still sleepy of course but thank goodness he didn't wake up right after I had fallen asleep because on days like today, that's usually my luck. Heh.

The ladies are going to be in real trouble when these boys grow up...
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.
Just a quick shout-out!
My friend Ramona asked my help in creating a blogger journal after seeing how pretty (if I do say so myself!) my journal was. She picked a simple and elegant Fairy layout. Go by and say hi sometime!
Yay, an update!
Ok so I had been up all last night working on this blog. I was trying to figure everything out and when trying to find answers to some questions I found features that I didn't even know about! It just all kept rolling into one and before I knew it, the Kidlet was up and then the Wee One and that was that.
The Hunk did give me some time to sleep since he had the day off. He took care of the boys and endured children's t.v. all day long (yes, my kids watch t.v. Email someone else) without losing his sanity. He helps out with the kids as much as he can but it isn't often that he's left with both of them, by himself.
When I was still nursing the Wee One, it was different. As soon as he got hungry or fussy, daddy would bring him into the bedroom and I could nurse him on my side and still basically be the one taking care of him while the Hunk just had the Kidlet. Now he's taking care of both. I can see a difference too. When it was just the Kidlet, I could take a nap and wake up and find the Hunk had cleaned the kitchen for me or straightened up the living room. Now when he has both boys no cleaning surprises! LOL. Poor guy. He's doing a great job though.
He was supposed to go see his mom in the hospital tonight. She had surgery on Monday (non-emergency or life threatening) and will be in the hospital for a few more days. I feel bad that he didn't get a chance to go see her. I feel like I took that time sleeping. She's in the ICU (again, she's doing great) and they have some really funky visiting hours. They go in spurts. So by the time that I woke up, there was only one block of visitation time left and it was too late for him to go since he has to get up early tomorrow. I'm sure he'll stop by and see her after work tomorrow.
The Wee One and the Kidlet have both had the stomach flu through this past weekend. The baby, by Monday, was fine and he's back to eating regularly. He still feels feverish to me but he's also teething (my excuse for all warm foreheads) so I'm hoping that is what it is. He continually and nearly constantly is grabbing his ears. We had him looked at by his Ped. and he said that the ears were clear. I'm just so fearful that he's going to have more ear infections since it seems he's had double ear infections back to back since August.
Well I have laundry to do or the Kidlet won't have any clothes to wear to school tomorrow. I feel like slight crud right now. Headache and sore throat and I'm not looking forward to getting up at 6 a.m. and getting the baby up at 7 a.m. to walk to the bus stop when I think it is forecasted to rain. Please no rain!! Morning or afternoon!
The Hunk did give me some time to sleep since he had the day off. He took care of the boys and endured children's t.v. all day long (yes, my kids watch t.v. Email someone else) without losing his sanity. He helps out with the kids as much as he can but it isn't often that he's left with both of them, by himself.
When I was still nursing the Wee One, it was different. As soon as he got hungry or fussy, daddy would bring him into the bedroom and I could nurse him on my side and still basically be the one taking care of him while the Hunk just had the Kidlet. Now he's taking care of both. I can see a difference too. When it was just the Kidlet, I could take a nap and wake up and find the Hunk had cleaned the kitchen for me or straightened up the living room. Now when he has both boys no cleaning surprises! LOL. Poor guy. He's doing a great job though.
He was supposed to go see his mom in the hospital tonight. She had surgery on Monday (non-emergency or life threatening) and will be in the hospital for a few more days. I feel bad that he didn't get a chance to go see her. I feel like I took that time sleeping. She's in the ICU (again, she's doing great) and they have some really funky visiting hours. They go in spurts. So by the time that I woke up, there was only one block of visitation time left and it was too late for him to go since he has to get up early tomorrow. I'm sure he'll stop by and see her after work tomorrow.
The Wee One and the Kidlet have both had the stomach flu through this past weekend. The baby, by Monday, was fine and he's back to eating regularly. He still feels feverish to me but he's also teething (my excuse for all warm foreheads) so I'm hoping that is what it is. He continually and nearly constantly is grabbing his ears. We had him looked at by his Ped. and he said that the ears were clear. I'm just so fearful that he's going to have more ear infections since it seems he's had double ear infections back to back since August.
Well I have laundry to do or the Kidlet won't have any clothes to wear to school tomorrow. I feel like slight crud right now. Headache and sore throat and I'm not looking forward to getting up at 6 a.m. and getting the baby up at 7 a.m. to walk to the bus stop when I think it is forecasted to rain. Please no rain!! Morning or afternoon!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Finally! Progress at last.
Finally! Some progress on this blog! I think I have finally gotten everything down the way that I want it. I must say that it isn't what I expected to have in the way of design. Oh sure it is soft and beautiful (like me) and colorful (like me) and well organized (...uhh), but I thought that I would of gone with more of a "theme" that fit.
Well since this is a departure from the (currently non-existant) weight loss diary that diarylandused to be is, I thought I'd come over to blogger and set up a personal diary. The kind that I can say anything in about anyone and never ever have to worry about them finding out. Ha! I think those days are long gone for all of us online journalers. People are just way to savvy these days.
I am however not going to link this diary to Diaryland or vice versa. We may be beyond the luxery of privacy but that doesn't mean that I'm going to take chances! I want to be able to hang around blogger for a while unnoticed. I admit, it has been a huge undertaking. I probably wouldn't of done it had I known that I would be up past 6 a.m. trying to figure simple things out. But there are so many more features and entirely much more control of this journal than there ever was at Diaryland. More to learn but hopefully once I do, more to enjoy.
Also, I find that Blogger templates can sometimes be a whole lot prettier than Diaryland. Not to mention just the stock templates they have here are much prettier and professional looking than Diaryland's stock templates.
Well I don't have any more to say. I hope my readers follow me here and enjoy reading as much as they did at Diaryland. I don't know if this is permenant but I think I'm liking the new digs....
Well since this is a departure from the (currently non-existant) weight loss diary that diaryland
I am however not going to link this diary to Diaryland or vice versa. We may be beyond the luxery of privacy but that doesn't mean that I'm going to take chances! I want to be able to hang around blogger for a while unnoticed. I admit, it has been a huge undertaking. I probably wouldn't of done it had I known that I would be up past 6 a.m. trying to figure simple things out. But there are so many more features and entirely much more control of this journal than there ever was at Diaryland. More to learn but hopefully once I do, more to enjoy.
Also, I find that Blogger templates can sometimes be a whole lot prettier than Diaryland. Not to mention just the stock templates they have here are much prettier and professional looking than Diaryland's stock templates.
Well I don't have any more to say. I hope my readers follow me here and enjoy reading as much as they did at Diaryland. I don't know if this is permenant but I think I'm liking the new digs....
Getting things underway...
Well I figures that I would try this whole Blogger world out. I remember when Blogger first showed up on the scene. I had no idea what Blogger was, what a blog was or that I would one day realize that I couldn't live without one in one form or another.
So far, this site seems to be far more advanced than Diaryland. A definite plus and minus in my book. Advanced means more features and more features means more to learn on how to use them. I'm not a person who likes change very much. Actually I love change, I just hate the actual learning of new things. I'm far more happen once I've passed the learning stage into the already "knows it" stage.
For now, I think that I'm just going to be mirroring my diaryland site. I have lots of new things to explore here and I think that the entire photo posting area of this site is by far going to take the most getting used to.
What have I got to lose? Here goes....
So far, this site seems to be far more advanced than Diaryland. A definite plus and minus in my book. Advanced means more features and more features means more to learn on how to use them. I'm not a person who likes change very much. Actually I love change, I just hate the actual learning of new things. I'm far more happen once I've passed the learning stage into the already "knows it" stage.
For now, I think that I'm just going to be mirroring my diaryland site. I have lots of new things to explore here and I think that the entire photo posting area of this site is by far going to take the most getting used to.
What have I got to lose? Here goes....
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So along with my new beginning in relationships, I have a new beginning at work. I'm going to be training at the Front Desk which I thin...
My friend Amy and I have created our own little book club. Since we both have a love of books that are extremely similar (if not the same in...