I've caught the bug that the boys had. I have spent the last 24 hour with my head either in the toilet or hanging off the side of my bed into a small trashcan. What sucks worse? I'm on my period.
Aren't you just sooo glad that you came to check my blog today? Ugh. I'm going back to bed. This is the first time I've gotten up and gone somewhere else other than the bathroom. Oh, and you know what is even more spiffy? The Hunk is sick now too. Poor guy. I hate when sickness makes the rounds.
Ah, you poor thing! That sounds SO awful! I've had my share of stomach bugs this year and that's all kinds of fun when you're supposed to be nursing too. Fortunately, nursing is good for the little one with a stomach bug and I can just do that while having her avoid most everything else. Still, being sick SUCKS and with a period too? Oh man. You poor thing!
Just wanted to let you know too that I have tried to send you an invite to my blog but I'm not sure if your email address works. I think you may still have mine though but I think you have my MSN email from last summer. The email address I use currently is the same other than where it goes. Instead of MSN, it goes to gmail.com. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon, both you and the hunk.
I hope you feel better soon. SOunds like the bug T.T. had a couple years ago. Child couldn't keep anything down and the thing was, I was told that when you give a glass of water, if it gets thrown-up, you are supposed to wait an hour from then to try again. I thought he was going to dehydrate, poor thing.
You and the hunk take care and I'll try to give ya a call when you are all not praying to the porcelin God. *hugs*
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