I'm still amazed at this website. I've gotten *so* many books from them. Some have been in
brand new condition. Every time I see the "You've saved $$$" I'm still amazed. I know I've spent more on credits than I've had actual requests but I figure everything evens out in the end because I've received hardcover books in pristine condition that I know are worth more than the standard $4.50 average used book price they use to figure such things out. To date, I've saved $643.50 using
I got a rush of requests in the last 10-14 days. And I do mean a rush! Mainly because I've reposted all my paperback books of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series. I only have 4 of the 13 books I had posted that remain unrequested. I expect when I remove the hold from my account I was forced to put on (no money to send anymore books), those will be requested too.
I have been a busy girl. Unfortunately, not in the organizing/unpacking area. Basically everything is unpacked to a degree, I'm just sort of out of steam when it comes to organizing it all where it should go. I've run out of places to put my crafty stuff (aka crochet stuff) and just misc. things. I have more room here but for some reaon it seems that room has now been taken up and I've run out of run. I guess maybe I have too much crap. I've thrown a lot of stuff out (before and after the move) but I can't seem to part with much more. I'm definitely going to go part with my crochet or my books (to be fair all the books are put away).
Speaking of Crochet, here are a few things I have "on the hook" or WIPs (works-in-progress). I'm sure I've posted pictures of some older WIPs but since I can't check any of my archives from Jennitude, I have no clue what I've shown you and what I haven't. (It sucks because I can't get the code for my sidebar either and I'm going to have to recode it all, ugh.)
Anyway, here's what I currently have on the hook:

This is a round ripple blanket I'm making for my nephew-in-law and his girlfriend. I'm not sure when she's due or what she's having but the white yarn has a bit of all colors subtly in it so I thought it'd be a good choice.

This is kind of hard to see, but it is a really beautiful shimmery crimson. It is made from size 10 thread, but a very soft thread. I love it! It was going to be a stole/wrap but I'm afraid I'm just not going to have enough thread to make it long enough. I'm still debating on whether or not to frog it (tear it out) and start over or not with something else. The color is too fantastic not to use this thread.

This is a simply granny square lapghan I'm making. The yarn is Caron's Simply Quick and it is a really soft but very thick rope-like yarn. I am using my largest hook size (K) but I really need something bigger as it is crocheting up a little tight. Still though, the blanket is heavy, warm and very soft. I have a few more rows added than what is shown in this picture but as the blanket *is* so heavy and warm, I haven't had much desire to work on it right now in this summer weather.

This is another wrap/stole made with Lionbrand's Microspun. It's a very, very soft yarn albeit a little splitty though. Nothing too hard to work with if you are crocheting (at least so far for me) but with knitting I can see where it might be a pain with it being so splitty. The actual black is dark as pitch but the camera lightened it up and it gives a view to a bit more of the detail even though it's not the greatest picture. I've just started skein 3 out of 6.

This is a round ripple afghan that started out with the best of intentions. I don't know what I did but it steadily lost it's round shape and has become more clam shell/sea shell shaped, which works for me but I'm afraid that the more I continue on it, the less shell shape it will retain. We'll see how it turns out. It was originally going to my mother but I think the boys are going to be getting themselves another couch blanket to watch cartoons under.

This is my first doily. It is made with size 10 thread and size 7 steel crochet hook. in Christmas verigated colors. It has a pinwheel pattern in there but it gets lost in the colors of the thread. It is 50% finished. The Hunk gave me his magnifying glass/lamp and it's been a godsend to work with such a tiny hook when you're first starting out an object. I've started another doily with the same pattern but different color thread that hopefully won't be too busy to see the pattern.
Here's stuff officially off the hook/FOs (finished objects):

Here is some yarn stash that my sister in law got for me. The magenta 'fur' at first intimidated me. It's not necessarily something I would have picked out for myself, and after the fun fur being so hard to crochet with, I was a little bit leery of it. Well, it isn't exactly a walk in the part to crochet with but it feels like rabbits fur. It's sooooo nice and the hook just slid right through the stitches. I made a shawl that I was going to give to my SIL, but she said she wasn't much of a shawl person so I'm keeping it for myself! I don't care that it isn't something I'd pick up for myself, it's surprisingly heavy and with the silky rabbit fur-like feel... I love it.

Here's another shawl I made as a wedding gift. I used Caron's Simply Soft yarn (my favorite yarn that I can afford) in pink. The picture doesn't do it justice as the lighting isn't great. I still have to weave in the ends but that takes 5 minutes.

This is another newborn baby girl dress set. You might remember the blue and yellow one I did. This is the same pattern but a bit different. I'm still debating on putting the flowers on or if I really like it simple, the way it is.

Well I think that's all I have for you guys now. I have several pictures of all the yarn and thread that my SIL bought for me a few days before we moved. Let me just say that my jaw hit the floor. My MIL and SIL have been so generous and supportive of my crocheting.... I'm humbled by it. So, more stash pictures tomorrow (probably...) since I am loving how easy it is to post pictures with blogger. I really did hate having to resize everything, upload it, html it for preview and larger version. Then again, I'm just lazy.
(Oh and I don't like that you can't seem to change the Post title once it's been saved as a draft..)
1 comment:
That white blanket is just so goddamn pretty.
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