Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm psychic

I was washing my face tonight and I was trying to think of what I could update my journal with. I find that some of the journals I love more often than not write in some sort of essay form. Even if it is something that happened during the day, it's like they focus on one thing and why it was funny, good, bad, sad, happy ect.

I find with my journal, you get a quick run by of the day's events, perhaps weeks if it has been a while since I've updated and then a quick promise to write more when I have time, am less tired, when pigs fly, you know, the usual time frame in which I update in.

So back to what I was saying. I was trying to think of what I could write about. I've been tossing a few ideas around. Mostly ideas I've seen on other journals and tossing around the thought, "Do I steal them, or no?" ect. ect.

So, I was washing my face and I thought, "Oh I could write like how much I hate when you are in the bathroom and you just sitting there doing your business when you look over and there's like, this horrific spider next to you! Sometimes in the sink, tub, or on a towel next to your face and sometimes the spider is like speckled and ugly or full bodied and scary or hairy and HELL NO I AIN'T KILLING THAT THING!

So I decided to just make a random comment about that, and you know, how I hate when that happens. That was oh, around 1:30 a.m.

Fast forward if you will to just now. I went into the bathroom to tinkle (yes that's what I call it. Leemee alone.) and I looked over and in the tub was an "OH MY GOD HE HEARD ME AND IS NOW STALKING ME!" spider. Granted, he wasn't hairy, ugly, speckled or full bodied. He was more like a midget daddy long legs but still people.... I just had that thought to write that and then he just appears out of no where... coincidence? I think not.

So yeah, that's my update for tonight. I'm psychic. If I get any vibes on winning lottery numbers, I'll be sure to send them... to the 7-11 with the Hunk and a fist full of dollars.

Night gang!

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