Friday, August 12, 2005

Ebay Gold Star

Well, I've earned my first gold star on ebay!

I've been quite pleased with my ebay experiance now that I'm actually starting to get the stuff I've paid for. It was a bit rough there at first. I seriously considered not ever ebaying again. *gasp* But then I quickly came to my senses. I've found a lot of good deals. Unfortunately, that shipping and handling business is what kills ya.

I'm still going strong with working out. I've completed 3 weeks solid of working out, although I only got 4 days of working out in this last week. I had my dvd/vcr unhooked on monday to move our crappy entertainment center out of the house so I didn't workout. I made up for it Wednesday but then took another unscheduled off on Thursday. I was plain lazy. I just didn't want to change into workout clothes.

I have not seen results so far. Maybe my calf feels a little firmer. I know it's because 1) My eating stinks and 2) I'm about to start my monthly curse. Between those two alone it's very hard to see any results of my efforts. I probably won't if I don't get a hold of my eating. It's not that I'm over eating, I'm just not eating as much during the day (it's easier to eat when the kids aren't around and my food can actually stay hot) and then eating too late at night and going to bed.

I'm also exercising at night. I really enjoy that it is the last thing I do of the day and then I can relax. Sometimes though, I wish I did it in the morning. Usually I wish this about 10 minutes before I have to exercise at night because I wish I would of had it done and over with. Hehe.

On the Hunk's job front- He still loves it. I'm so glad. It's so much better to see him go to work happy and ready and wanting to be there than it was to see him drag his butt to work as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

Well I need to get the boys lunch. I'll update more later, hopefully with pics of the new ebay stuff!

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