This is my blog and I have the password dammit. *phbbt!*
I love Hello Kitty. Oh you didn't know that? Well I do. I have since I was a little girl becuase it has apparantly been around forever. I'm almost thirty and this little kitty and all her Sanrio friends make me giddy. This paticular Hello Kitty layout was summer appropriate and I loved the rainbow like feel of the colors. I have other HK layouts stashed in my "Templates" folder so you might be seeing more of this cutie.
If you don't like HK, well it's going to be a tough road ahead. All I can suggest to you is embrace the Kitty. Here, this might help you A LOT. If I was rich and frivelous, I'd totally buy it for my collection. My collection of Hello Kitty you perverts!
So what's been going on in my life? Nothing. For someone who spends most of her time teaching boys to be good, sociable, law abiding citizens you'd think that something would just jump out at me as blog worthy. But no, got nothin' for ya people.
Want to know how the weight loss is going? Me too. I haven't worked out in a week. I've suffered from severe insomnia all week. 2 hours a night people! One of those nights I went without that even. I'm going to the store and buying over the counter sleep aids. Normally they don't work for me but every couple of years I give it another go, remind myself that they don' t work for me and usually try and see a doctor.
However, we currently are health insuranceless until sometime in September when our new health insurance with the new company kicks in. There's a 90 day wait before being eligible for insurance. I'm hoping that when the Kidlet starts back to school, that the colds he brings home are minimal because we won't have insurance. Of course if they are sick I will take them to the doctor.... it's just going to be one huge bill that we'll have to make payments on and we just got their medical bills paid off.
Of course when the Kidlet started to school last year, he had pneumonia 3 weeks in. I hope his immune system is stronger now.
My parents went to Hawaii. I think I wrote about that. I'm like jealous and all. Of course. They should be back soon and then I get to hear all about it. I'll let you guys know how it went. I know that you are all so interested in the vacations my parents take.

eyes on Gerard Butler. Isn't he just the dreamiest? I don't know what it is about this man but... he makes my heart flutter.
Normally I'm not a huge fan of facial hair but he just looks so... manly. And his accent.. oh that scottish accent of his.... it just makes me swoon.

His movie, Dear Frankie comes out tomorrow on DVD and I hope I can get it here. I want to see it!!
There are rumors he could be the next James Bond. I don't like those movies but I sure as hell would become an avid fan if he was in them! I think I'm off to watch Attila or Timeline... yumminess.
Share him, pretty please! ;)
*scarfs Gerry*
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