Ok, so I promised a picture entry and here it is. Some pictures of my past.

First we have to our left here, a picture of my family when I was oh... around 9 or 10 years old. I think 10. We lived in Southern California and my Grandparents lived in Norther California. One paticular year on our way back my parents decided that it would be a lot of fun to drive through Yosemite National Park. Yosemite mind you requires reservations six months in advance. Now days it could be more but back then it was six months. My mother called one paticular place in Yosemite, Curry Village? Something.. anyway, she called and it just so happened that they had a cancellation. Score! We stayed about 3 days there. The room was very nice, very cabin woodsy and my sister and I slept up in the loft section. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been to. I would
love to go there again with my own family. Or at least a nice honeymoon with the Hunk considering that we didn't have one when we married. Something to save for!

Here is my older sister, my dad, and myself. Wasn't I just the cutest little thing you've ever seen? Of course I was. This has to be my favorite picture of me with any family members. I think this was taken right outside Disneyland Hotel. We used to live right down the street from Disneyland and sometimes my parents would take us to the Hotel to see thier "Living Waters" show type thingy. It was beautiful. During the summer you could see the fireworks they'd set off over Disneyland from our house. My mom would always let me stay up to see the fireworks and I knew as soon as they were finished it was time for bed. She said I never complained about bedtime in the summer as long as I got to see those fireworks.

When I was 12 years old I started riding horses. Here I am in some Christmas type parade the city put on where our horse club was invited to be a participant in. The horse I'm on was named Midnight and I loved that horse. The club was amazing. An older gentleman ran it for about 10 kids at a time. You had to have at least a C average in all your classes and you had to keep a clean room or you were not allowed to ride that day. My mom went a step further and if my room wasn't clean she wouldn't even take me. Needless to say during those several months I belonged to that club I had good grades and a clean room. I also learned a lot about myself too. I made friends and once a month we'd have a cookout and all eat together. My dad knew the owner from the Air Force base and he took me and my little sister (much to my dismay) on for free because he knew my dad. I wonder if that program is still around or if he is. He was pretty old even back then and this was about 13 years ago.

This is my hoochie mama friend Rachel from back in the day. I don't know how many of you know I was in a government program called Job Corps (saved my life!) and she was my room mate for almost a year and a half. We had our ups and downs, we were completely opposite and not just the way we dressed but in everything. I loved her like a sister. In our case it really is true that opposites attract. I lost touch with her when I left and she left around the same time. It was sad and to this day I still wonder how she is doing. I wonder if she ever really found the love and validation she was looking for in herself and not the men she was going through like water. We fought over a guy once. That's when I learned that guys come and go but friends... they can be the one true thing in your life. (Oh, and look, I was thin enough for a belt!)
Well that's all the blast from the past I have to show just yet. Hopefully I'll get out to my mom's house soon and snag some old pictures if I beg really hard and promise to send them back.
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