Wednesday, June 22, 2005


It is amazing what a little exercise will do for you. I just wish beyond anything that I could bottle up this feeling for the rest of the 99% of the time that I don't feel so amazing. As you might of guessed (by reasonable deduction here), I started working out again.

Yay me! No, really, yay me. I'm waiting.

Ahhhhhhhhh. I feel better now.

I joined Denise Austin's Forever Fit online program. No, I'm not putting a link up. No, it is not because the program sucks. It is because I just worked my pretty muscles way too hard to copy and paste links at 1:30 a.m. Deal.

So anyway, I joined the group. It is pretty much eDiets without the "you have to pay extra if you want any type of fitness advice and routines" schmuck. She has food, shopping lists, printable everythings, workout routines and she also has 3 different caloric intake programs. I of course opted for the highest caloric intake allowed. 1800 big ones a day. I'm feeling almost giddy about that. Almost.

I also bought her beginner exercise kit because obviously whenever you get the incentive to lose weight again, it doesn't matter if you have 50,000 tapes and DVD's of exercise routines or handy little gadgets that promised to slim your body down, you have to buy more. The old stuff has an "old, you didn't work for me because I'm still fat" air to them. Don't they? Almost mocking you... If they could speak they might say, "Well.... I didn't work because you didn't use me." or "I didn't work because you were more overweight than my inventor ever accounted for." or "I didn't work because I was just an impulse purchase and we never work." And perhaps, above all, they might say, "I'm sooo last season."

At any rate, none of my 50,000 DVD's or tapes or cute little neoprene weights, or Fanny Lifter or stretchy bands were making me very excited about jumping back into this whole "lifestyle change." I needed something new, fresh, exciting, motivating. This was going to be my answer. The starter kit. You got 3 DVD's, 3 Stretchy bands and 1 exercise ball. Fabulous! I was all ready for my brand new scenery change. Err um, I mean lifestyle change.

Then, they just sat there. For a week. Meh. I didn't feel like blowing up the exercise ball and I couldn't find my workout shoes (don't knock it, they are very important!) and so on and so forth. I guess the change of "scenery" didn't pan out so well. I finally got my butt in gear on monday and worked out. I did much better than I thought I would but I didn't make it through ever segment. I don't care. I'm just glad I didn't have a heart attack while trying to shake my ample bum to a thinner me.

You know what I saw on W@lmart(dot)c0m? Carmen Electra has workout DVD's that are sexy! Yes, Strip to get Fit! and one other one. I don't know. I want those though. That's going to be my answer now. I can get sexy while learning to be sexy. She's pretty stripper like so I figure that I'd be getting it from the horses mouth. Maybe I'll ask the birthday faerie if she'll bring them for my birthday. Of course, I want to be sexier by then anyway.

Ok, I'm off to bed. Much to tell you about the Hunk's new job, new teeth for the Wee One and the Kidlet is drivin' me cray-zee. When does school start back up again?


Anonymous said...

Way to go on working out again! Getting started is always the toughest part for me.

Anonymous said...

way to go jennah! i heard from a little bird that you'd be back at mim soon....

Anonymous said...

ps. that was holly. :)