He's housebroken (score!) and he's great with the kids. He's really, really sweet and he only barks a little bit at night when he hears the people upstairs making racket. He's not a very yappy dog at all and he's so so soft. I adore him. He's mama's boy and follows me everywhere. He loves the family but I'm his person. He even wants to lay on the bathroom floor when I shower.
Things are going... well. Yeah. I'm still working and I'm going to be training to work at the Guest Service desk and to work in the photo lab. I'm pretty excited about that. Umm, it's November so... birthday looming ahead. The big three-one. I accept cash and yarn and any knitting/crochet accessories. I've been working a little bit on my knitting. I have a blistery type of eczema on my middle finger of my right hand that makes crochet and knitting almost impossible. I try to do a little bit between the painful stages. It's made all my xmas gifts late. Speaking of knitting though, I've started on my first pattern with knitting. It's more than just knit/purl entire rows so I'm excited about being able to read a knitting pattern. Here it is:
Well, I'm exhausted. I worked 9 hours today and I'm probably going to be working a 10 hour shift tomorrow too. Talk to you gang soon, I hope!
awww, he is TOO CUTE!
Love the dog. I got your message on ravelry about the baby afghan. If you leave me your e-mail on my blog I could scan the pattern and e-mail it to ya. My blog address is
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