So I've changed the layout. I thought I wanted something fun and cute and girly but apparantly I didn't because I was still out there looking through layouts. I know that I haven't found the layout if I'm still browsing continually after I've spent hours fixing code of a template I've already picked.
I think this one is going to suit me quite nicely for a while. It's simple and organized and that is what I want. Also, the text area is wide enough to really get my pictures in. Not that I just have any to post on this site. I have tons to post on the boys' site though. I need to do that.
I actually do have something to post though. Not about anything going on here. I pretty much got that off my chest yesterday, but about a site I was introduced to that has what is called, "Movies in 15 minutes". It is this woman named Cleolinda who watches a movie and then writes a parody of it. It is hillarious. Now I don't know if it was funny because I had already seen the movie, or if I would of thought that it was funny anyway.
The first 15 minute movie I read was Phantom of the Opera. I don't know if it is just because I had watched the movie the night before, but it made me laugh like crazy. I tried to post and excerpt of it here, but for some reason it just kept making all these weird symbols wherever there was an apostrophe so if you want to read it you'll have to go to the website. If you want to read the full version of Phantom of the Opera click here.
She also has parodies for King Arthur, Troy, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Hannibal. There are a few more I believe and will link them at a later time. You can find Cleolinda's blog here.
It is now 6 a.m. and the Hunk is showering for work. I think I might join him and then curl up in my bed for 3-4 hours before the boys wake up.
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