This is my life and the words that will paint the pictures for you. I invite you along to read, learn, and feel. I hope you find something inspiring. Above all, bear an open heart and mind. This is a judgement free zone. Negativity is unsolicited!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Losing sporadic internet
On the job front, the Hunk was offered a job as a reverse logistics specialist. It's a fancy way of saying he'll be a receiver. He'll be making a dollar more than me (which btw, I got a $00.50 raise!) and if he goes in before 6 a.m. he'll be making 2 dollars more than me. He's one step under a team leader (I'm only a team member) and after 90 days he can start applying for team leader positions that pay way more. There's just one snag in the whole deal so keep your fingers crossed that the snag, well, isn't one. He desperately needs this job.
For those of you who have left me comments, I love you! Janeen, Happy early Birthday to your little bunny. Portia, did you know that the author of P.S. I Love You was 19 when she wrote it?? That just boggles the mind that she could have such insight into grief that deep. It is a tear jerker for sure! I knew she was the daughter of an Irish Prime Minister. As for Gerry's accent, I can totally believe it is exaggerated. People in the States I think expect to hear a thick accent. And for those of you whom I will be writing snail mail to, (you know who you are) bear with me.
Ok gang, I'm out of here. *hugs*
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I miss my peeps
The Hunk has applied for a job at T@rget as well and the top guy in the store ended up interviewing him and told him he has plans or him in a better position than stocker (which he applied for). I just hope that past mistakes don't come to bite him (and us) in the ass and take away this really good opportunity. I haven't decided if I'm going to put the Wee One in daycare (it is so fucking expensive, Christ!) or if I'm going to quit working once we know that he'll be making more money than I am. I just don't know what to do. I want to be at home. I don't want to quit my job. I want to know that no matter what happens between the hunk and I, I can still provide at least something. At the same time, I don't want to be a paycheck for the daycare when I hardly get to see my kids as it is. So, to do I keep my somewhat (but not hardly enough) financial independence from the Hunk at the sacrifice of not seeing my kids or feeling that I'm raising them and being no better off financially despite two incomes? Or do I quit in order to be at home with them at the risk of losing the first thing in 9 years that has given me any sort of accomplishment that was mine and mine alone? I don't know.
On another topic, but not really… people with cell phones in the check line… Please.hang.up. I'm trying to ring up your purchases as quickly and efficiently as possible and sometimes I have to ask you questions. I was taught you don't interrupt people on the phone and I really hate when I have to do it. The customers behind you hate when you aren't paying attention and by default hate me for not making you get off your phone. I had one customer that I had to tell her total to 3 times before she said, "Oh! Ok." And then went on to apologize to the PERSON ON THE PHONE for being interrupted. As for the people who hang up as soon as it is their turn in line… I LOVE YOU.
Ok, a different topic for real this time. Many (or not any) of you know that I was the maid-of-honor in a wedding in Las Vegas at the end of last month. I was there for 3 days and got 3.5 hours of sleep (and that was all at once) while I was there. The wedding was really pretty and everything went perfect. I wish I could have had my hair and make-up done for my own wedding because it is amazing how pretty you feel. I'm throwing up some pictures, in no particular order… (and if you are reading this and there are no pictures, it is because I'm publishing my entry in MS Office and I haven't gotten to blogger yet to imbed the pics). Oh and I didn't crop any to make them perfect, but I'm sure ya'll don't care. Hee!
This is the bride, Mona, helping me with my necklace. I had gotten my nails done the day before and I couldn't clasp a necklace to for anything. She was having the same problem!
Finally we're helping the bride get ready! The other girl in the picture is Mona's cousin and bridesmaid.
Here we are again helping with the bride's dress while she suspiciously looks like she's hamming it for the camera with her 'adorable bride' pose.
This picture was totally set up. She'd had her make up done already but her cousin wanted us to pose. Hehe, you can't tell but the eye liner lid is still on!
Just one of me, but that's probably pretty obvious.
Me. Again. My impression of the ghostly maid-of-honor. Nice how the flash just whitens ya up a bit. Or a lot.
All the girls dressed up and ready to go! Me, Mona and Kristen.
Full shot of us. Her dress was just too pretty for words and the pictures don't do it any justice at all. We were also very impressed that all three of us live in 3 different states and only through description did we try to match up the bridesmaid and my dress. No one had seen the other's dress! I think we did a pretty good job , don't you?
Just me and the bride. We've come a long way Whispers!
We're on our way to the wedding chapel and had to walk through the casino/lobby of the hotel (The Stratosphere) that we were staying at. I have to admit, I'm liking my cleavage in this pic.
We got to take a limo to the chapel. It was off the strip but very, very pretty. I forget what it was called now though.
The bridal party. I can' t remember everyone's name but the best man, who I met only 10 seconds (no I'm not exaggerating) before the ceremony was the groom's uncle. I think his usher was a family friend.
This was at the reception. It was an Italian restaurant called Sergio's. It didn't look like anything from the outside but inside it was beautiful and o.m.g. the food was absolutely scrumptious. I really, reaaaaaly enjoyed the reception. Hehe!
I look very attentive to the conversation don't I?
I'm definitely not as bored as I look. This little ol' lady was the Bride's honorary Grandma. She was such a riot. She'd talk your ear off but she had very entertaining stories.
I don't think there was any danger of the groom planting a kiss on me so I don't know why I was leaning so far back....
It's inevitable. If you are eating and there is a camera within 50 yards, you're going to get a picture of me with my mouth full.
Brian and Ramona Jensen
August 26, 2007
So along with my new beginning in relationships, I have a new beginning at work. I'm going to be training at the Front Desk which I thin...
My friend Amy and I have created our own little book club. Since we both have a love of books that are extremely similar (if not the same in...